Volker von Mozart music recently landed in the united states, america, canada sector with approach at pandora radio. Now everything is possible in discovering foreign spaces for german classical harp sounds. Very proud and with tremendous hopes for the future Volker is convinced that this is the musical “step to the moon”
The step to the moon
Maybe not the step to the whole man society but even funny to aim the step for the whole fan network of Volker von Mozart. Pandora deliveres fine streaming audio for the million of peoples over there. We wish good luck for any development of the online music culture.
Online music revolution
A virus has lurked all times to get across the universe. Nothing is gonna change my world but the Volker von Mozart songs are very romantic tunes that is worth to listen to. The recently released album is called 250 Jahre Beethoven Musik @ Burg Mozart. And i know this is the musical message to the year 2020 that has another business: Come together and feel good.
Here is the Link
If you know be sure that the Volker von Mozart sound is yours, than grab this link and get off to blast to the milkyway. God shall be with you!

Hear the latest news
250 years of Beethoven Musik @ Burg Mozart musically reminds of the songs of Ludwig van Beethoven. Volker von Mozart presents the works adapted for the harp: choral songs and vocal compositions created by Beethoven. Or songs that refer to the work of the musician Beethoven. A true anniversary album of classical music and instrumental reflection.